Executive PBIC Cellular Detection

Passive Baseband Identifier Collector

Executive PBIC Cellular Intrusion Detection

The Executive PBIC (Executive Passive Baseband Identifier Collector) is a broad cellular spectrum intrusion detection & security layer.


Designed to passively perform a consistent, automatic and real-time calibration within the (cellular) wireless spectrum.

Do you know what’s happening in your cellular spectrum?
Exactly how many mobile devices are in use or have been left behind in (sensitive) business environments?

Maximize your enterprise situational awareness with the advanced, scalable and efficient preventive cellular detection analytics technology: Executive PBIC.

Real-time Cellular Detection

Worried that you are not detecting all wireless devices? We even detect devices that are not connected to your Wi-Fi network.

Every cellular device has a unique footprint. Everyone wears a cellular device these days and has it with them all the time. We detect this footprint.


With our product, your security department can easily view real-time and forensic reports remotely. It remotely detects abandoned mobile devices, cellular eavesdropping devices or other unknown GSM and LTE devices.

The Executive PBIC preemptive cellular detection technology can protect your organization. We know the negative effects of IP, Tech or Policy theft. In addition to considerable damage to your reputation, it also has an effect on your competitive position and long-term investments.

Physical & Preemptive Security

The Executive PBIC is a stand-alone technology that can be used in both large and small spaces. This can be done without the need to integrate software or middleware into your IT environment. You can detect both known and unknown, authorized or unauthorized cellular devices and geo-fenced white- or blacklist cellular devices.


Using both machine learning and deep learning, the Executive PBIC gives you a real-time picture of your (segmented) business environments.

Increase your operational security by consistently and automatically inspecting the cellular spectrum using preemptive cellular detection security analytics.